How we occupied the best chateau room instead of the newlyweds ...

Datum konání: 12. 6. 2005
Sekce: Stalo se
Autor: Radek
Vloženo: 12.6.2005
Upraveno: 12.6.2005
Počet zobrazení: 138

Our friends, Alena and Milan, decided to marry in last May. They had their wedding in a very romantic style. The "I do" they said each other in the cross of Love, Hope and Faith. The Love, Hope nad Faith are lakes situatede near Luznice river in the Trebon's basin the best-known lake's region not only in Southern Bohemia but even in all Czechia. The ceremony was on the cross of roads leads on the top of dams between the lakes. It passed off under crowns of big old trees in a pleasant shadow. Really a very romantic event! Although it was at least one kilometre walk to get there about one hunder guests were here. Then the wedding continued by celebrations in the recreation site Jemncina. It is very nice place about 10 km away from the ceremony point. There are bungalows and camping place laying on the side of the river Nezarka near the weir Jemcina. This place is far from civization in beautiful nature among large grasslands, dark forests, quiet rivers and deep lakes. I hope that all our frinds could agree with me if I say: It was up to now the most unusual wedding in our 20-th group of Tourist Academic Club.

Accidently I come from this region. My dad comes from Veseli nad Luznici which is about 15 km down the river Nezarka on the confluence of Nezarka and Luznice. And my mum and me come from Sobeslav which is also not very far from here. I know all the country around including Jemcina of course. The most important sight there is a hunting chateau. That has really unbelievable history. It was built by Czernin's family in the middle of the 18-th century. In the early 19-th century there was the best-known hunting in the Austria empire. Chateau Jemcina was not at that time a common aristocrat family residence but it was something like a hotel for aritocratic guests. In the 20-s of the 20-th century Czernin's family (owners of the chateau) owed a very big amount on taxes. Instead of paying taxes they gave the chateau to Czechoslovak government. Late in the second half of the 20-th century ruled here in Czechoslovakia the communist party and they made from the chateau a base of rocket army forces. This rocket base with high metal barrier all around I still remember. Some unknown bank became the owner of the chateau in the 90-s. The bank unfortunately tryed to ruin the chateau. Now the new owner is restoring it after a bad care of all late owners. There was built for example a stylly fence. A part of the chateau is displayed to visitors. This part consits for example a chapel which was saved by a miracle in top condition. Next part of the chateau operate as a restaurant and in the end a few rooms were restore for hotel services.

As I am practically native I wanted to show to my wife a little more than others could see during the wedding of our friends. I decided to present her a life in a chateau. So I promtly reserved and payed the best room in that chateau (see atteched picture). I did not know then that very little rooms have been restored till now. And a such beautiful room is there even only one situated on the second floor in the corner of a main and side annex of the building. As only small part around this corner room was restored to accomodationable condition there are just six hotel rooms. Each of them looks nicely like a real chateau room but for newly marrid couple fit the best the corner one of course. Milan was probably very shocked when he came to the chateau and tryed to rent it for the wedding night. They told him that it had beeen already rented to some Mr. Frai from a long time ago.

The best room in chateau Jemcina

Alena and Milan, if you will read this anytime. I am apolgizing for it. Will you be so kindly and forgive me. Will you try to underestand me. I had to go around this chateau for many many years during my life and I could not see more then top of its roofs. And me and my wife never stay in a chateau for a night so we wished to realize it. I could not expect that you try to rent it later than me if you knew the wedding date much earlier. I am sorry.

Štítky: Článek nemá štítky


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Verča J. (6.1. 14:22)

Anketa k silvestru 2020 / 2021 spuštěna a běží do neděle 12.1. Tak kam letos pojedeme? Vyjádřete se zde:
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Janka (21.11. 14:43)

Hmm, nové fotky na úvod, paráda:-)

Veronika (3.10. 11:33)

"Námořnické Martinské posvícení " pátek 15.11.2019 od 18:30, v hotelu Svornost, Dolní Počernice,
rezervačenky: 110 Kč (bez večeře), 220 Kč (s večeří) - Ivanka Stulíková tel. 603 563 292, resp. Těší se Pavel Stulík (T1)

Káča R. (29.1. 8:55)

Smazala jsem ho já, věc se vyřešila. Šlo o letité nedodání Almanachu a špatnou komunikaci s Veronikou J. Dle informací od Verči už Jirka Almanach dostal.

Petr (21.1. 16:35)

Ještě nedávno tady byl takový dlouhý příspěvek od Jirky K.
Kdo ho smazal? 8-O:-?

Lilka (27.8. 11:05)

TeoCup je 9. - 11. listopadu.

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